Reality check!

College education is NOT CHEAP!
It’s very very expensive.

How expensive?

How about…

$3,440/year for Public 2 year college if you live within district.
$9,410/year for Public 4 year college if you are in-state student.
$23,890/year for Public 4 year college if you are out-of-state student.
$32,410/year for Private 4 year college.

Those are average figures.

For UNCC (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)…

It’s between $13,846 to $22,974 if you are North Carolina Residents.

If you are NOT NC Resident, it will run you $27,017 to $36,996

You have to pay that much every year.
You can see for yourself, if you like.

For Duke University?
About $70,092 if you add everything.

Harvard Cost about same as Duke.

5 things you can do in 5 minutes to get Better Grades!

Here are few more…

Princeton – $58,965
Yale – $63,970
MIT – $61,030
Stanford – $62,801
Cornell – $63,606

With that much money is involved, one should check out Scholarships/Financial Aids even if you make pretty decent income.

Basics of Scholarships and how to find Scholarships
How to apply for Financial Aids
Do’s and Don’ts when applying for Financial Aids
Financial Aid References and Resources